Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Every day we wake up and get set to go out. Some people get ready to go to work, school, a meeting or an appointment.
There is one movement or the other everywhere you go. People are in frenzy; they are  literally taking to their heels. Everybody is in a hurry to get to some place. Where?
The big question however is: how many people really know where they are going in life?
Every journey must have a destination. Life is a journey. Before God allowed us to be   born into this world, He made a plan for our lives. This shows that every single person has a purpose for being alive, but not everyone discovers that purpose. So it is left to you to discover your purpose by asking God who created you and sent you here.
The discovery of God’s purpose is the foundation for successful living and this discovery yields certain benefits.
Purpose gives direction: It inspires us to dream of our destination in life and we only   travel on the road that leads to that destination. When you do not know where you are   going, anyone is free to direct you and any path can take you anywhere. But a sense of  purpose tells you which way to go or not to go.
Purpose launches us on a crusade: Each of us is born to solve a problem. Purpose gives us a cause for which we can be willing to live and die.  It helps us to live a life of contribution. If you are not living for something, you can die for anything. When you    discover the purpose for which you are on earth, you cannot die anyhow. Death only respects the man that knows his purpose for being alive.
Purpose guarantees our ultimate success: “For we know that all things work together for good for them that love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  Provision, protection and divine assistance are guaranteed when we are carrying out God’s assignment for our lives. Your purpose determines the resources you need per time. The reason why you are not getting some things could be because it is not in line with your purpose or it is not time yet. Many years ago, I wanted so desperately to leave the country to supposedly “greener pastures.” I tried all I could but I was denied visa, even to Kenya. Others would have thought it was the work of the enemy or enemies, but now I know it was simply not time yet for me to travel out.
Purpose makes it easier for us to make choices in life: Once you discover your  destination, making decisions on your career, choice of life partner and location becomes easier.
Purpose breeds confidence: Discovery of purpose reveals who we are. It enhances your esteem. It helps us realize that we are not inferior to others, we are only different. When you know your purpose, you will not compare yourself to others. “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”
Purpose breeds persistence: Knowing that our success is ultimately guaranteed by God who makes us to hold on in the face of adversity. We realize that negative circumstances are always temporary.
Purpose makes us original: When we are left to ourselves, we usually imitate others.
The discovery of purpose puts us in a class of our own. God specializes in making originals and not duplicates.
Finally purpose keeps you alive: Once God shows you your destination in life, it is inevitable you will arrive there, if you do not give up. Several attempts were made on the life of Christ. But he escaped, because he was destined only to die on the cross.

Discover your purpose and you will be on the path of success!
You will succeed!

Sam Adeyemi